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Marketplace Calling & Anointing

Exodus 35:30-35 “Moses told the Israelites, “See, God has selected Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.31 He’s filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and know-how for making all sorts of things,32 to design and work in gold, silver, and bronze;33 to carve stones and set them; to carve wood, working in every kind of skilled craft.34 And he’s also made him a teacher, he and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan.35 He’s gifted them with the know-how needed for carving, designing, weaving, and embroidering in blue, purple, and scarlet fabrics, and in fine linen. They can make anything and design anything.”

Wow, how cool is this?  God anoints people for their abilities, whatever they may be.  Have you ever wondered about that intense desire within you to accomplish something?  Do you find yourself dreaming on how to achieve excellence in some talent you possess?  Are there specific details of your job or activities that come completely natural to you and not to others?  Well then, you may be flowing in God’s plan for your life.  We see here that God clearly gave these two men amazing wisdom in their business.  How much of your daily business do view as God’s gifting?  What are you missing out on that He has planned?  What are others missing out on because of your inability to recognize God’s anointing for your talents?

Somewhere down the line we have lost sight of what God desires for us.  We defined “ministry” as a vocation within a church context.  And thus the rest of humanity was doomed to “work” and “survive” while those called into “ministry” had access to a higher life.  Well phooey on that.  God has created each one of us with specific detailed abilities that are uniquely crafted for us.  He is waiting on our seeking of His face and anointing for our calling.  It is time we each see our places in life as our calling and figure out how to flow in His anointing for what we do.  Each of us need the other to find their place and succeed in order for our own success to be made complete.  Those who work “behind the scenes” are just as important and valuable as those who are “in places of power”.  When we flow in what we were gifted and anointed to do then we each benefit from each others’ success.

What are you called to do?  Do you know?  What are your passions?  Are you excelling at what you do daily?  Are you asking for Him to place His anointing on your day-to-day activity?  I invite you to begin to fulfill His desires over you and succeed at your talents and abilities at whatever level you find yourself.  Cease trying to be something you were not created to be and wanting what others have.  Find your place and flourish.  It was a part of God’s original command to all things in the beginning… to be fruitful and multiply.  Ask Him to show you what you were created for and begin to…  (you fill in the rest with your story)

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