Archive for » 2010 «

Who are you most like?

Today I was stopped by a lady at church who had known my Dad well. She told me how that every time she sees me she sees more of him. What a great comment. He was a handsome and strong man. He carried himself well and commanded influence. But mostly he followed God. If I am truly reminding others of my father, then I must be reflecting some of my heavenly father as well. Hopefully this happens more often than not but I fear too many moments are lost with my reflecting the wrong side of me.

Who do people see in you? Is it familiar? Is it someone they want to see? Is it someone you want them to see?

Our lives influence others constantly. I am reminded today to be a reflector of greatness and godliness. I must spend more time with my God to ensure my reflection is as close to accurate as possible. The people around all of us are desperately hoping to see a true reflection of right living and hope.

We must learn to emulate Him even in the mundane moments of our lives. We are being noticed more than we realize.

If You, Then He – Your Turn First

What are doing with the “talents” God has given you?  Matthew 25 contains the parable of Jesus about a businessman who gave 3 men investments to handle while he was away.  Do you really want to have dreams with God and accomplish big things with Him?  Or is it just a fairy tale that you choose to ponder and talk about from time to time?  All through the scriptures God shows us covenant relationship with Him – If you, then He.  Your turn comes first on this life’s many journeys.

Several Points:

  • It says he gave each according to his ability.  The things God has given you are respective to YOUR ability which means you can accomplish the goals set before you.  Fear and mountains in the way are just obstacles meant to be conquered not shied away from.  Playing it safe with God will not work to your favor.
  • All 3 men were rewarded for their efforts.  Each of us ARE responsible for how we handle what we have been given.  There are consequences to the returns we generate on God’s investment in us.  Some are positive and some not.  The depth at which you risk establishes the extent of the reward He gives.
  • This is not optional.  We do not have the luxury of bowing out on God’s things.  He set this in motion and He will collect.
  • He is looking for our best.  Returns on investments require true savvy.  You have to excel at what you do or miss out on your return.

Are you reaping harvests from Him?  Do you want proper returns?  Then ask yourself, what are you doing right now to further the returns on His investment in you?  Are you taking the risks necessary to fulfill what you know in your heart to do?  Are you letting the naysayers around you talk you into complacency?  What is your strategic plan for success?  Are you just sitting around waiting for Him to bless you?  Are you busy about His work so He will be proud?  Jesus shows us there is an inevitable return.  The key is you have to be doing something with what He has given you.  Then you will reap more.

What dream has your passion deep down inside?  Are you pursuing it?  If you, then He.  If you, then He.  If you…  You must start the ball in motion.  He set the rules and when you play be the rules you get results.

Be careful, as you read below, there are those who will lose their “talents” for mishandling…

The Message – Matthew 25:26 “The master was furious. ‘That’s a terrible way to live! It’s criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least?27 The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest.28 “‘Take the thousand and give it to the one who risked the most. And get rid of this “play-it-safe” who won’t go out on a limb.30 Throw him out into utter darkness.

So stop wasting time.  Go for it with all you have.  Rise up and become what He designed you to be.  Accept nothing less, ever!

It’s Finally Here!

After many months of contemplation on the timing of entering the blogging arena, I am here.  Timing in life is everything.  And this my friends is finally the right time.  I look forward to sharing my heart with all who may listen and hope the perspectives I bring will challenge everyone to higher places in their lives.  So… enjoy…

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